Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...

His Voice.

We are within that new year season and yeah I know a lot of people in Christian circles are talking about the prophetic word for the new year or a verse that's guiding them through the next year and some have written resolutions for the new year.

You probably are wondering; how is God speaking to them, if you haven't heard from God as they have you are probably wondering whether you have been left out or whether you are not spiritual enough. Maybe you are wondering how does God even speak all these things to all these people?

Well the truth is God desires to speak to His children all the time; and he does actually speak. He has no particular way or particular voice to speak in, He speaks to each of us in different ways, in ways that He knows we wont miss it and we will best understand. All we need to do is quiet down our souls and we get to hear from Him.

God is not confined by timings, therefore let not people's timings confine you or put you in a box. Dont be worried because you haven't yet heard the new year's word at a particular time, let not people's talk put you down just quiet down your soul. He might have spoken in the middle of the year, or he is now using a different signal from the one your friends have heard with. 

Could it be that you are focused on other things that you cannot see the picture that's clearly in front of you?

The very sure way God speaks to us is through His word, rather than waiting for the 31 crossover Kesha why don't you ask God to guide you and then start reading His word, those written words are tried, tested and proved. For this reason, His word never return void to Him. His word is something you can bank on. He holds Himself accountable to the words He speaks over us.

Through the years I have known God speaking to me in different ways; I dream, I see clear visions, I hear Him whisper and other times its a  loud voice. In other seasons in my life with Him through different sensations on my physical body  but what stands out has been through His word. God has spoken to me in the most weird and unexpected of  places because He is not confined by spaces. He would speak in the toilet, at the sink area in my kitchen (one of my favorite places to hear Him from), in the office, when I am moving in a vehicle.

 The most recent that really caught my attention was when I was sitting at my balcony area that he spoke in form of a clear vision and wrote a verse that I have been quoting from time to time but never sat down and pondered on it. At the moment it didn't hit me but through the day it kept ringing through my mind. As I write this the verse is making even more sense  than  before.

You see, this took place at a place where I go to unwinding place. It came so unexpectedly yet it is rhema word that will guide me through the coming year even as He adds line upon line as per my  persuasion and obedience. 
It was that simple but life changing for me. God is so real,  He is willing to speak to us as long as our hearts are yielded in Him.

Let me use a common story, one that is used much this festive season. Mary was just going about her business when the word of God came to her through an angel and it changed the course of her life and that of the whole world. I have come to understand that Gods word to an individual isn't necessarily for them only, it is meant to work for an entire generation. Mary agreeing with and becoming obedient to a simple word spoken at a weird place  would bring deliverance to generations. 

Learn to develop a listening ear for God, a quiet spirit and an obedient posture to do according to His word and for sure there will be a performance of the said word.

Fret not, God could speak to you in the most unusual way, so open up your mind and be ready to embrace. He might have spoken before, He could be speaking right now or He can speak later. What matters most is, have you positioned yourself to receive and to hear from Him?

You matter!


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