Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...


Our wedding  was such an important day because it was for the very first time, I kissed my husband infront of both our physical and spiritual parents and our friends, that kiss was and still remains special. It was the best feeling I ever had. Not just kissing but fulfilling a goal that honored and glorified God in my body. 
Before I go on and on about our wedding let me retrace steps a bit here. There are these things I want to share with you concerning our journey... 

Our courtship.

On the eve of accepting to court my now husband, he took me out for dinner. This was not for a celebration but he wanted to set values and principles that would guide our relationship. He was already doing what I desired a man should do. Take charge and set the precedence. Vision has to have parameters within which it will happen. Its usually the leader's initiative to make set the guiding principles for any vision they have. 

Let me mention that by the time he asked to take our friendship on another level, and by the time I said yes we both had come to conclusion that this relationship would only lead to marriage.  You can now see how important it was for us to begin by clearly defining principles that would lead into a holy matrimony.

Such actions actually gave me confidence and assurance that this guy was actually a leader. Well I think I need to mention how I got assured that this was the one because all the other guys who had asked me out didn't care on sharing their principles,  values or even what they stood for, I was the one who always had to  bring up that discussion and all times it ended up by us going our separate ways. Benjamin was so different. 

This may sound like a cliche but take your time and think on it "Your husband will be so different from all other guys you have met before" You will know the one because of value based distinctions that he will have from other guys. I also think that happens if you already have values and guiding principles that steer your life in a godly direction and towards the destiny God is calling you into. 

Well, most of the principles we came up with were in the lines of purity, accountability,  building trust and a bit on finances. We were both committed to saving all sexual activities for marriage. Including kissing. In addition, we made a commitment to avoid entertaining certain subjects, material and conversation that may cause us to struggle with sexual thoughts. 

We have always stood on Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.

Our glue as a couple.

Our individual connection to God has been what holds us together.

God is our third fold and a 3fold cord cannot be broken. God ordained marriages and he was the author of our meeting and getting to know each other ,so what would make us think that doing our marriage outside him would work? Our relationship  definitely wouldn't hold and like a house if cards would come down crumbling if we didn't keep God in everything we did. He is our firm foundation. 

It is God who dictates how I should love my husband, how I should submit to him, how I need to forgive him when he wrongs me and how to be the great helper he called me to be and vice versa for him. I know we all have free will but the point is, as Christians we choose to follow Gods ways that leads to prosperity and not follow the worldly ways which lead to destruction. Benjamin and I pursued God as individuals and together. We met to pray and share the word as much as we also met to seriously discuss our future together and how God is calling us to make him known. We found out that we needed to find as much common ground as possible so that there is consistency and that we are complementing each other. 

Our friendship.

I tend to describe our friendship as a unique kind of friendship. Before we began dating, my husband pursued me first to be his best friend and we dwelt in that space for such a long season that we saw each other's positives and negatives without any form of pretense. From knowing all that was possible to be known by the other party, I couldn't hesitate courting him. I had seen him angry and hungry, I had seen him broke, I had seen him get compassionate. 

There was this one time that I knew he was broke. He had 200 bob left yet he needed to be at school (Benjamin moved out of their home quite early in life so he paid his rent, bills, fed and dressed himself). He was believing God for money then one of his friends gave him a call for them to meet. He tagged me along. Turned out the friend was led by the Holy Spirit to give him some cash. Before we parted ways,I saw Benjamin go to the supermarket and do some shopping for a family that was in lack. I didn't know how to process that act of selflessness. Story for another day. 

During courtship We argued, disagreed and all that but Despite our arguments and toughest seasons our friendship has kept us focused on the brighter side.

Wanna know something unique about my husbae? 

His laughter, his is unique infact I have never heard anybody else laugh like he does. That right there lights up moments with him😋😋😍
It's very hard for that hearty laughter to come up but always does in my presence , its kinda easy to bring it out.(Baby you brighten my life) 

The other thing is ability to understand and teach different things. Not just the word but various subjects. I would listen to my husband teach all day, he has a way of making memories to remain etched in ones mind.

And that beloved,is my beautiful story.

PS. We are for the idea that Marriage works and everyday we are intentional on making ours work all for the glory of God.

"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.”  - Songs of Solomon

With Love. 

You matter!


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