Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...


I am glad that you choose to check out  this section of my blog. This is where we talk and interact about singlehood, relationships and marriage. I have purposed to share our journey and lessons that God has been teaching us in marriage, because marriage is indeed a journey and we want to open up ours a bit in a way that would be helpful to you.

Well Benjamin and I have been married for 2yrs,3mnths at the time of writing. It has been a journey of discovery, laughter, lifting each other up, learning and growth. Few mistakes here and there but we are good. 

Since I was a child I always had the desire to get married to a leader, someone who people would look up to, someone with self drive and a different outlook in life. Well I got married to one, Benjamin is an enigma, I just don't know where to start about him. 


As a young 22 year old girl I was in a place where I finally passinately decided to fully pursue purpose like never before. I choose to take a leap of faith and join bible school. As it was, I was only following my heart's desires and God's voice. There was of course a moment of indecisiveness between whether to go to a beauty college or actually join bible school. Purpose has a way of having its way and off to bible school I went.  

There my friend is where I met this man that turned out to be a God given gift; My husband or is it husbae

Isn't it interesting that in pursuit of purpose, God's is always present with us and in His presence lives transform, shifts happen and gifts are given? There is always so much to gain if only we always chose to obey God's voice and do so promptly. It may not be clear from the start how things my turn out but that is why this relationship with our Father is about trust and as soon as you take the first step, things gets clearer.


December 2016 remains so dear to us as a couple. It was the day we both were graduating from bible school and my now husband decided to make it extra special. The guy hacked it for real. That day remains etched in my heart and mind forever. 

Benjamin was the best student in our year in bible school and as the custom of the school, the best student gives a speech during the graduation ceremony,  that is the valedictorian speech (eish that word - I had to look up the spelling). 

So my Mr. Man in his creativeness decided this was the best moment to pop the question. I had no clue that it would happen because in the past days I wasn't in the best behaviour as his girlfriend and it really dawned on me that despite my misbehaving he still had the confidence in me to be his wife and spend the rest of his days with me. Apart from that,  he had convinced me to believe that there wasn't any point in him proposing to me since he was clear from the onset that he wanted me for marriage. So for me I thought proposal was done and dusted when I agreed to date him. This one is full of tricks! 

Well, when time came for the speech, he walks up and started doing his thing, on my mind am like "huh, this man is handsome and smart, what a catch". In the process he is called down to receive his gift. As I am lost in the multitude of  my thoughts, he began speaking about me and in my mind I thought he was appreciating me for being a good friend and supporting him through bible school.

As he closed down his appreciation he started walking towards me voicing out all the sweet words he could get (and if you know this guy he has a way with words) and right there in front  of the huge crowd (while I am blushing my cheeks on fire) before I even noticed,  he was right infront of me kneeling and holding a cute silver with a diamond in the middle.

My dream engagement just happened,  it was all too fast for me. Thousand more questions storming my mind; should I ran, scream, cry or shout the loudest yes! This is my dream man, a pure ball of inspiration and definitely I was sure I wanted to spend my life with him. It is crazy that when what we want shows up, we tend to be overwhelmed. Anyway At the end of all my drama, I couldn't help but stretch forth my left arm and said yes.
As the ring slid in I was soo greatful to God for leading my man and getting the proposal bit right😀😀.  


Now, what can I say about our wedding. So much happened in the process and on the day itself it still humbles us. Let me try;

I always loved cute exaggerated gowns, like the Cinderella gown🤗.  I grew up reading and watching Cinderella stories and that was where my desire for a wedding came from. As I grew and matured I definitely got to have a different mindset. Even with the change of mindset, I still dreamt and wrote the dreams I had concerning my wedding.

On July 22nd 2017, I wedded my husband, it was such a beautiful day. Everything from The sunshine to the awesome guests who came to witness a start of a new journey.

We didn't have much to spend on the wedding but the presence of God is all we desired because we knew you could have expensive decor, the best food and all that flamboyant pizzazz but without God's presence its all empty.... 

Watch out for part 2.

You are loved, you matter!


  1. Wow
    This will touch so many
    Keep at it girl
    Can't wait for part2 😍


  2. I loved this, "in pursuit of purpose, God's is always present with us and in His presence lives transform, shifts happen and gifts are given!!
    Thanks dear, looking forward to part 2:-D

  3. Always my inspiration for me to walk and do things the way i watched you do. Can't wait to read more from you woman if power.


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