Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...


Each journey begins by taking a step, well join me and let's start a journey,  let's walk together as we share what is common to every journey even though we may be walking different paths.

The start of a journey is always a beautiful season, seasons are marked by new beginnings, anticipation, excitement, to some it is filled with anxiety and a sense of fear. Its a season that could be marked with mystery and longing. One thing is for sure, you must somehow step out of your comfort zone to start a journey.
New beginnings may seem uncomfortable and unfamiliar but as you choose to make that all so important step, clarity comes, the fog clears and suddenly your dreams begin to see the light of day. 

I have been meaning to start a blog since 2017 but I kept postponing for the fear of the unknown until this year when I chose to challenge myself and do things that I have never done before. True to the challenge I gave myself, I have done lots of new things and I love the thrill and growth that comes in achieving them. The bliss and fulfilment of taking initiative is unmatched. The satisfaction of birthing something new is priceless. 

Here is my blog; 

Arise and Shine. 

ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you - rise to a new life!]

SHINE [be radiant with the glory of the Lord], for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee

I guess you may be intrigued as to how the name came up; why did she think of Arise and Shine? Well every time I see God say Arise, He is always instructing us to rise above our comfort zones, above our pasts, above our failures and get into new things and new beginnings.  This is the reason for my blog, to inspire and encourage humanity especially a woman to fully Become who she is to ultimately be in Christ based on the word of God.

There is a lot concealed in our beings,  there is a lot lying dormant waiting to erupt as a mighty volcano and be discovered. As soon as we discover how mighty and majestic we really are, our lives are transformed. Life will become easier and interesting in many ways. We will then be filled with the boldness to achieve the highest of goals and wildest of dreams. There is nothing impossible to them that believe, there is nothing too hard for the woman that has God in the inside.  

Knowledge sheds light and it is light that guides us and lights our path brighter and brighter into achieving great things for God! 

On this journey I will be talking about  Marriage, relationships,  faith, womanhood issues. There will also be beautiful pieces that will inspire your creativity from different areas of life. 

It's my prayer  that each time you come across my articles the eyes of your understanding may be filled with light and you are inspired to grow and become better.♥️

I invite you to Subscribe to this blog, interact, comment and ask questions. Let's walk to our beautiful destinies together.  

You are loved. You matter!


  1. go gal, awesome stuff\

  2. This is awesome woman of God, indeed its time to arise n shine

  3. A great write up already. You just want to read and read. Go girl. Proud of you

  4. Your sense of drive is really an inspiration. I delight with you at this new step Mrs.Njatha

  5. Congratulations on your new blog, great read


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