Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...



I hope you have seen and read through part one  of this blog. You have seen how I had issues with my identity mostly because God was not the primary source of how I saw myself. He wasn't my source of significance. I tried to measure up with people and hence tried to get those things from the outside of me.  

Now here is a story from the word that will help us relate;

In Mark 5:34 A story is told of the "woman with the issue of blood" as the society called her. You see society and our environment has a way of wanting to dictate who and what we should be. Most times these tags that our environment and society puts on us are so different from what God would want us to know about ourselves. It is interesting that the first thing Jesus does in establishing this healing on this woman is to address the identity issue by calling her  DAUGHTER!!

That is how Jesus brings us to Himself and the Father, through giving us an identity and affirmation. That is the sure path to healing, restoration and prosperity. 

That word "daughter" right there brought to the woman in a sense of belonging, it told her she was accepted and she didn't need to come to Jesus in fear or expecting wrath because she had placed a demand for healing. Remember Jesus had asked "who touched me". The lady probably expected a scolding and bad consequence, we can't blame her, that's how society had taught her. Right in that moment was a name to restore her womanhood as well as to bring healing of the mind and body. That right there is what mattered. 

I hope this story sheds in light that God doesn’t see you as everybody else does but there is a special way that He sees you. God cares for us as His children and He will never hesitate calling you His own, His son, His daughter. He desires you to know He is an ownership God.

 The Father has given us the Holy Spirit to reveal to us His heart and mind concerning us and that we are worthy to call on Him and see Him as our Father.  

Galatians 4:6 And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, "Abba, Father."

In the past, I didn't feel like God fathered me in anyway. I could not see God as a Father. Probably because I missed a father's touch growing up. The idea of being fathered was absent in my experience (but our experiences aren't always the truth). I also think I never saw God as father because I never dared ask Him to reveal Himself to me as Father. I was busy listening to so many voices. I thought it would be pointless asking for such a revelation; you see I had desired to see and be loved by my earthly father but he was no where so I thought being absent comes with this title "father". 

You need to know as I later did, God will never force anything on you. He is only quick to respond to the things you ask according to His will. I found myself more like Philip asking Jesus to show me the Father. I somehow knew that it would be sufficient for me to behold Him and begin to know Him. 
I actually took a step one night I asked him to Father me, that's when I heard Him call me Daughter, It was the first time ever. It was pure bliss. I could not hold back anything, no emotion, no thought,  no request was held back, I shared all. That name daughter was medicine to my heart, it brought down strongholds that kept me in false light, it felt like a veil was drawn off my face and I began to see God in a different perspective as my Father, well it took time. Definitely a stranger takes time to become familiar. 

I began constantly renewing my mind using the  word of God. His word is a sure way to know Him. As I beheld His nature as Father in His word on a daily basis, my mind and life was flooded with True Light. He re-introduced me to the Holy Spirit who constantly revealed new facets of heart of the Father to me, the Holy Spirit He connected us! 

It's a Father's responsibility to reveal identity to a child but the child has to desire to know who he really is. 

In most cases, absence of a father figure pulls down identity and causes one to drown in low self esteem, it hides the gifting and calling put in you and causes one to live a lie. Understanding that God saw such problems way earlier and solved them by availing fatherhood to us gives us the liberty to fly even when our earthly fathers didn't affirm us or gave us a wrong sense of identity. 

Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."(That verse clearly explains that God began fathering us even before we were born and already laid out our purpose even before we begin pursuing them)

Today God calls you daughter and He cares deeply for you, He choose to die for you even before you existed because He wanted to secure the best life for you, He keeps you at the core of His heart where everything flows from. You need to let this be a reality to you. 

Understanding that I matter to Him and He calls me precious daughter made and still makes all the difference in my life. In everything I desire to achieve, I draw confidence from understanding that He is my Father, He rans to meet me as soon as I set my affections towards Him. All he desires is for me to make an effort to get closer. 

God is a well of life. Today He is asking you to draw near and drink from Him. There is a lot  that you haven't drunk, He is Living water, full of life. Life is progressive, there is growth and change when you constantly drink from Him, there will definitely be changes; from past glory to greater glory.

You are loved. You matter.


  1. Just what I needed, am so blessed by this piece, it's God who gives me identity, He calls me daughter,He knew me even before He formed me in my mothers womb and had the plan and purpose for my life all figured. Thank you Mwende :-)

  2. God is my father, thank you for this I needed this.
    Thank you for sharing

    1. The more you draw close to God the more you experience Him as a Father.Draw closer

  3. �� I am crying reading this. I have many times equated God to earthly father,and men in general and thought He couldn't ever look my way. And these words are like a healing stream to my soul, that I need to just ask Him to show me who he really is.. Thanks Mwende. Blessings.

  4. �� I am crying reading this. I have many times equated God to earthly father,and men in general and thought He couldn't ever look my way. And these words are like a healing stream to my soul, that I need to just ask Him to show me who he really is.. Thanks Mwende. Blessings.

  5. Oooh my dia!!May God as a Father become soo real to you.Thats my prayer for you and incase of any help you may need feel free to contact me on my social media inboxes.Blessing,You matter


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