Tamara reluctantly looked over her shoulders to the phone on her bed. She knew that both of them might have called or left messages. It is a good thing none of them knew where she lived. This time around she took an off app cab outside the club so there was no way Hans would trace her and neither would Zack. She looked back blankly out of the misty window. She was hesitant about picking the phone let alone turning it on. She wasn’t sure what she would find. Both men had a right to be mad, they probably had talked when she left them and discovered she was seeing them both at the same time.  The ding-dong from the door-bell startled her. She tightened her bathrobes straps.  Zack paced up and down the living room. He almost felt every fiber of the bohemian rug beneath his bare feet. He subconsciously tapped the rim of his whiskey half-glass. She still hadn’t switched her phone on. He has no way finding her if not through the phone. He paced over to the decanter and refilled the g...


During one of my quiet times,  when calm and peace reigned over my soul, God said to me clearly and as loudly as was necessary; "

"My daughter, to achieve anything in life,you got to be intentional"

These words have been my life motto ever since. I have thought and prayed through that statement and I continue to glean from it. Draw closer and let me share what I have been able to understand on being intentional. 

The word intentional carries with it the idea of being purposeful and consistent in purpose or towards a goal. At this point, I will ask you,  in all you do what's your intention, are you deliberate? is there a clear cut goal to whatever you do or say or even how you live out yourlife? What's your driving force? 

With everyday comes as an opportunity to become better and do greater thing. Everyday comes loaded with its benefits.God is very deliberate on releasing those benefits daily without fail. It is upon us,  with His help, to become intentional in acknowledging them and to receive them.

For you as a Christian to have dominion, you have to be very intentional. Being Intentional starts from the mind. Your mind has to be renewed and set on particular things that partain to your intents and the dominion the word of God says we are to have. 

There is a treasure of immense value inside you  despite the fact that outwardly you may look like any other person. When we are intentional, the treasure in us becomes a blessing through God's excellent power.

2 Corinthians 4:7 We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that the extraordinary overflow of power will be seen as God’s, not ours.

The word there also says that all things placed in us and all the things we do, are to bring glory and show forth christ. That is the intent. When you are quick to acknowledge that truth, be assured that whatever you put yourself to do will thrive.

Throughout scripture, The heavenly Father is seen to be intentional in what He did, He had a purpose of doing something and He committed Himself to doing things that were to be done in the way they were to be done. He was willing able. He followed the counsel of His will! This why the results were always good. 

I believe for something to be good, you have to commit yourself to it, have a vision and a picture of the outcome by the help of the Holy Spirit and you will have a guideline to follow and a standard to measure your accomplishment. Which brings me to my other question for you; how do you measure your accomplishment? How do you know you have done the best you needed to do? What marking scheme do you use? Do you ever stop to interogate what you are doing? Is the voice of comparison or what is the worlds your standard?

Involving God's wisdom through the Holy Spirit causes us to be intentional.Think thoroughly before you embark on doing something, if you think through, you can live through whatever your mind is focused on doing. When we involve God,  we are simply saying we are letting God involve us in what He is doing, we acknowledge that what we are doing is beyond us.If its love, demonstrate God's love, if it is speaking or writing, let it be God's words; if offering help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and He will get all the credit as the Mighty one in everything.

Being Intentional stems from understanding who you are, your reason for existence and whose you are. Without understanding these things,  you have the wrong perspective of different things and how they are to be carried out. 

As a child of God jesus expects us to seek him deliberately and its from that angle that you begin to understand yourself as well and to take life seriously. As you continuously behold Him, an image after His likeness is revealed to you, and His Light shines in you to give definition, clarity and motive to your deeds.
Light guides you in the ways that you should go, light reveals purpose and it's in light that fear is dispelled. In light, darkness cannot exist and therefore your intents and motives are purified continually to that which God desires for you.
You are loved.


  1. Inspiring....being intentional is the key

  2. Heey Warui.Absolutely intentionality is like a key that unlocks.Thank you for taking time to read.


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